Frequently Asked Questions
Once your order has left our warehouse, you will receive a shipping confirmation email containing a tracking number and link to track updates.
Return Process: North America
Click to start your return process
Once you have completed these steps, you will receive an email confirming that your return has been set up and authorized. You can access your prepaid FedEx shipping label (valid for 7 days) through the link provided in the email.
Place the item(s) in the original packaging.
Print and attach the shipping label.
Please drop off your return package at the nearest FedEx Ground location.
Once the return has been received at the warehouse and approved (items are in perfect condition with tags attached) we will email you to confirm receipt. Your refund will be issued within 3-10 business days once the warehouse has processed your order.
Questions about your return?
Email [email protected]
Return Process: International
To process a return from the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, or the Netherlands:
1. Please e-mail [email protected] to request your return authorization number and let us know which item(s) will be sent back for return, and what the reason for the return is.
2. Once you have emailed us to process your return request, you will receive an email with a return authorization number within two business days.
3. We do not provide return shipping labels for orders shipped to the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong or the Netherlands. Please contact your local post office to purchase one.
4. Write your return authorization number along with the customs code (below) on the outside of your package and then ship the package to:
Kit and Ace Technical Apparel Inc.
Kit and Ace Returns (Unity 3PL)
415 Milner Ave
Scarborough, Ontario M1B 2L1
Canadian Goods Returning
HS Tariff No. 9814.00.00.93
5. Once the return has been received at the warehouse and approved (items are in perfect condition with tags attached) we will email you to confirm receipt. Your refund will be issued within 3-10 business days once the warehouse has processed your order.
*Your Return Authorization Number must be referenced on the package to ensure a refund.
Questions about your return?
Email [email protected]
We currently accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Klarna and AfterPay
You can use our Size Guide to reference your measurements and find your perfect fit.
Buy online and pick up in store (BOPIS) is valid in Canada only.
At this moment, it's not possible to purchase online and pick up items within the same transaction. To ensure a smooth checkout process, we kindly recommend splitting the orders.
Check shop availability before adding items to your cart for a smoother transaction.
If purchasing multiple in-store items, ensure they are available at the same shop.
Free pick-up option with no additional fees.
Shops usually require one business day to get your items ready.
How long do I have to pick up my order?
We'll hold on to your order for 5 days, starting from the day we send your “Ready for Pickup” email. We'll also send you a reminder 2 days after we send the first email, meaning you’ll have 3 days left to pick up your order. Orders not picked up within 5 days will be cancelled and refunded to the original method of payment.
General inquiries can be sent to [email protected].